English Lesson full of songs and games for mommies(daddies) and babies,
conducted by a special instructor and a native teacher.

赤ちゃんは様々な音を聞き分ける能力を持って生まれます。COSMO☆KIDS Baby Classでは英語と日本語の壁が出来る前に、英語のお歌やリズム遊び、読み聞かせなど、赤ちゃんが楽しみながら英語に慣れ親しみ、英語耳を育てることを目的としています。
It is said that new born babies come out to the world with the ability to hear and identify different kinds of sounds.
At COSMO☆KIDS Baby Class, we design the lessons aiming to give the babies more opportunities to listen to natural English rhythms and songs, and to develop their English Ears (basic listening skills) through enjoyable songs, activities, story and music.
Let’s enjoy the special English Shower Time with mommy(daddy)!
- レッスン日(Lesson)
- 水曜日 Wednesday 10:30-11:30(月3回 3 days/month)
*4週目は振替 Make-up lesson on 4th week. - 対象年齢(Age)
- 0歳~1歳半のお子様と保護者の方
0 to 1year 6months old accompanied by a parent/guardian
(Lesson Plan Example)

- Opening : Hello Song & Days of the week
- Activity of the Day : 赤ちゃんに使えるフレーズや単語を歌と共に紹介
- Introduce Yourself : 英語の歌で自己紹介
- Movement : 英語の歌にのせて全身を使ったmovement
- Short Break
- Music Play or Craft etc : ベルを使って音楽にふれたり、簡単なクラフトを楽しんだりします
- Story Time : 外国人教師による 絵本の読み聞かせ
- Ending : Good Bye Song
Baby Classの特別講師の紹介
(Special Instructor)
Ms. Madoka has acquired several national qualifications in Early Childhood Education and worked at a Japanese kindergarten and international schools. After becoming a mother of 2 children, she opened her own English classes for mommies and babies in Setagaya while also teaching English at a private kindergarten.
- 幼稚園教諭の二種免許状
- 保育士資格
- TESL(第二言語としての英語教授法資格)
- TEC(子供英会話教授法資格)他

☆UNIT STUDY ~Let’s Play, Learn and Grow Together! ~ ☆
COSMO☆KIDS Preschool Program is created based on “ Unit Study ”.
All activities will be planned and prepared on monthly and seasonal topics which will enable the children to learn about the world closely related to their daily lives thoroughly.
We integrate “Whole Child Education” with other educational approaches through hands-on activities, teacher-directed seat work and children-centered self-learning time/free play time.
COSMO☆KIDSでは、Unit Study (テーマ学習)を軸とし、季節ごとや月ごと、身の回りのテーマに沿って様々な活動を行います。また、全人教育を念頭に様々な教育学的アプローチを盛り込み、五感をフル活用するたくさんの体験活動だけでなく、教師主体の座学時間、自発的学習時間、フリープレイも含めてバランス良く総合的にプログラムを組んでいます。
- 対象年齢(Age)
- 1歳~6歳までのお子様
1~6 years old
Starlets Class (1.0 ~1.11), Sunrise Class (2~3), Rainbow Class (4-6)
Arts & Crafts, Science / Sensory, Language(English)/Early Literacy, Math/Early Numeracy, PE & Kids Yoga, Music & Movement, Dramatic Play, Show & Tell, Japanese(Once a week/ Story reading, Seasonal songs, Arts & Crafts by a Japanese Teacher)
(e.g.) Topic:Harvest/Fall
- Arts & Crafts
- Leaf Art, Math…Counting and Weighing Acorns
- Sensory & Science
- Feeling Soil, Planting, Vegetable Observation

☆ Let’s Explore in English with Friends and Teachers! ☆
COSMO☆KIDS teachers are all well-experienced with national/international qualifications who had worked at international schools, English schools, and Daycares. Our goal is to support the children to be global-minded by inspiring and stimulating their natural curiosity and potential to the widest range.

☆ Lunches Hand-made with Love ☆
We order nutritious hand-made lunches from the lunch service company which is exclusive for schools and daycares. The ingredients are mostly additive-free and freshly delivered from domestic farms. Children will learn good eating habits and manners as well.

- 8:00-8:30
- Arrival Time / Life Skill / Free Play
- 9:00-9:40
- Kids Yoga / Exercise / Morning Circle
- 10:00-
- Learning Center (1)

- 10:40-
- Outdoor Play
- 11:30-
- Lunch
- 12:30-14:00
- Nap Time *Starlets & Sunrise
- 12:30-13:00
- Quiet Time *Rainbow
- 13:00-13:30
- Learning Center (2) *Rainbow
- 14:00-
- Closing Circle
- 14:30
- Afternoon Snack *Starlets & Sunrise
- 15:00
- Learning Center (2) *Starlets & Sunrise
- 14:30
- Join Afterschool *Rainbow
- 16:00-18:00
- Life Skill / Student Selected Activities
- Starlets 1歳~1歳11か月
- Sunrise 2歳 3歳
- Rainbow 4歳 5歳 6歳
Time | Class | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Learning Center (1) | Starlets | Pre-math | Sensory & Arts and Crafts | Japanese | P.E. Music & Movement | Language / Show and Tell |
Sunrise | P.E. Music & Movement | Arts and Crafts | Science | Pre-math | Language / Show and Tell | |
Rainbow | Science / Math | P.E. Music & Movement | Language | Arts and Crafts | Language / Show and Tell |
Learning Center (2) | Starlets | P.E. Music & Movement | Language | Sensory | Pre-math | Arts and Crafts |
Sunrise | Pre-math | Science | Japanese | Arts and Crafts | P.E. Music & Movement | |
Rainbow | Japanese / Language | Arts and Crafts | Science | P.E. Music & Movement | Math |
☆ Global Citizens ☆
We are all global citizens. At Cosmo Kids, our goal is to help children find their place in wider world. We use an integrative approach to learning English. Our lessons cover phonics, reading, art, science based activities and social studies to promote a well rounded global outlook.
- 対象年齢(Age)
- 4歳~12歳
4 years old – 12 years old
- 14:30-15:00
- Self-Study Time / Snack Time
- 15:00-15:50
- English Time (Phonics & Oxford Reading Tree)
☆ Phonics フォニックス
Our phonics lessons use Oxford Phonics World textbooks. The program is divided into 5 levels. This curriculum incorporates visual and audio learning as well as fun games and chants to reinforce the letter sounds.
Oxford Phonics Worldのテキストを使います。視聴覚教材による学習と楽しいゲームやチャンツで、文字の音を着実に学ぶことができます。このテキストはレベル1~5まであります。

【使用教材】Oxford Phonics World
☆ Reading リーディング
We use Oxford Reading Tree books as the basis of our reading curriculum. The stories are relatable to young learners and cover a wide range of themes. Students can learn lots of vocabulary in an easy to understand context while also learning universal lessons about life.
リーディングの基本教材としてOxford Reading Tree使います。幼い子供たちが主人公で、さまざまなテーマのお話があります。お子さまたちはわかりやすいお話を読みながら、たくさんの語彙を学べます。

【使用教材】Oxford Reading Tree レベル1~
- 16:00-16:10
- Kids Yoga / Exercise

- 16:10-16:50
- Exploring in English
☆ Exploring in English

Our exploring activities aim to integrate themes and ideas introduced in the reading part of the lesson with activities based on science, art and social studies.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Exploring in English | Social Studies | Science | Arts and Crafts | Social Studies | Science |
- 17:00
- Tea Break / Dismissal
- 17:10-18:00
- Life Skill / Free Play